Digital Infrastructure Program Approach And Methodology » Skgujarat

Digital Infrastructure Program Approach and methodology


In a India, e-governance initiatives took a broader dimension in the mid-1990 s for a wide range of  the applications, emphasizing citizen-centered  in a services. Later, many states launched  in a ambitious individual e-governance projects aimed at the  providing electronic services to  the citizens…

High-speed internet as a major utility

Information and communication  in a technology (I C T) has the potential not a only (in terms of  the easy and effective access to the  I C T) to  the bridge the great digital divide in the country but also to make a positive contribution to the growth of the economy, employment and productivity. Emphasis has been a placed on providing high speed internet connectivity across in  the length and breadth of the country through deployed I C T infrastructure, optical in a  fiber, and last-mile connectivity options offered by a affordable, reliable and competitive wireless in a  technology. The procedure and timeline are as a follows.

Although these e-governance  in a projects were citizen-centrist, they could have a less impact than a required due to their limited in a  facilities. Separate and less interactive systems showed a major gaps in the successful acceptance of  the e-governance along the entire spectrum of the  governance. He clearly pointed out the need for a  more comprehensive planning and implementation of the necessary infrastructure, functionality issues to be a addressed, etc., aimed at  the streamlining to the  establish a more connected  in the government.

E-Revolution: National e-Governance Plan 2.0

A national level e-governance in a program called National e-Governance Plan was a launched in a 2006. There were 31 mission mode in a projects under the National e-Governance Plan are covering a wide range of the  domains like a agriculture, land records, health, education, passport, police, court, municipality, commercial in a  tax, treasury etc. 24 mission mode projects have been a implemented and delivery of the  either full or a partial range of  the envisioned services has been a  started.

Given in  the short comings of the national e-governance in a  plan, which are includes lack of  the integration in a government applications and data bases, low degree of  the government process re-engineering, opportunity to the  leverage emerging technologies like a mobile, cloud … etc. Has a recently approved an e-revolution program with the vision of.

About the program

The Digital  in a India Program is a flagship program of the Government of the  India with a vision of the  India’s transformation into a digitally empowered society and knowledge in the economy.

The journey of the  e-governance initiatives in the  India took a wider dimension in the mid-90 s for a broader field applications with an a emphasis on a citizen-centrist in a  services. Later, many states / UT s started a various e-governance  in a projects. Although these e-governance are projects were a citizen-centrist, they could have a less impact than desired. The Government of  the India launched at the National e-Governance Plan (N E G P) in 2006. 31 mission mode are projects covering a different domains were a started. Despite the successful implementation of the  many projects across the country, e-governance as a whole has not been a able to achieve the desired in the effect.

It is a  seems that there is a still a long way to go to the ensure e-governance in the country to  the promote broad growth covering electronic in a  services, products, devices and job opportunities. In a addition, the country needs to the  strengthen electronic in a  production.

Approach and methodology for in  the Digital India program

Ministries / Departments / States will  be take full advantage of the general and Aadhaar I C T infrastructure established by the Government of the  India. Develop / determine DATI standards and policy guidelines, provide technical and support support, and undertake capacity building, R&D, etc.

Ministries / Departments / States will  be take full advantage of the general and Aadhaar I C T infrastructure established by the Government of the  India. Develop / determine DATI standards and policy guidelines, provide technical and support support, and undertake capacity building, R&D, etc.

They will be a tailored to align existing / ongoing e-governance initiatives with the principles of  the Digital India. To increase the delivery of the government services to the citizens, expansion of the processes, re-engineering of the  processes, use of the integrated and interconnected systems and deployment of the emerging technologies like a cloud and mobile will be a undertaken.

  • States will be given the flexibility to identify additional state-specific projects related to their sociology-economic needs.
  • Successes will be a recognized and their copying will be a actively promoted with a productivity and customization where is a necessary.
  • Public-private partnerships will be a selected wherever possible for the implementation of  the e-governance projects with a adequate management and strategic  in a control.

Program Management Framework

For a effective management of the Digital  in a India program, the program management structure are includes in  the Digital India Advisory Group under the chairmanship of the Minister of the  Communications and IT and the Supreme Committee under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary. This are structure has the necessary secretarial / monitoring / technical support and proper decentralization of the  powers and responsibilities to the  ensure effective implementation of  the various projects / components by in  the implemented  in a departments / teams.

Cabinet in a Committee on a Economic Affairs for a program level policy  in a decisions.

It will be a structured with a representations drawn from relevant Ministries / Departments to the  provide leadership, deliver a deliverables and targets, and periodically oversee the implementation of the Digital India Program, under in  the chairmanship of the Prime Minister.

The Digital in India Advisory  in a Group, chaired by the Minister of  the Communications and IT, will bee seek the views of the external stakeholders and provide a feedback to the Monitoring Committee on a Digital in a  India. The composition of the Advisory Group consists of a representation from the Planning Commission on a rotation basis and 8 to 9 representatives from  in the State / UT s and other line ministries / departments.

The Paris Supreme Committee, chaired by the Cabinet  in the Secretary, will bee oversee the program and provide a policy and strategic directions for its implementation and resolve inter-ministerial are issues. In a addition it will bee a coordinate and integrate various initiatives and aspects related to the integration of the  services where required, re-engineering of the process from start to the  finish and service levels of the  M M P s and other initiatives under in  the Digital India program.


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The Council of  the Mission Leaders on a Digital in a  India, chaired by the Secretary, will be a set up under D A T I Digital India as a platform to share the best practices of the various existing and new E G O V initiatives and to the  sensitize various government departments about D A T I ‘s I C T in a  projects. The technical issues of the projects compiled by the Mission Leaders Council will be a addressed along with the inter-departmental, coordination and interdisciplinary issues of  the projects / e-governance initiatives compiled by the Supreme Committee on a Digital India under the chairmanship of the Cabinet  in the Secretary.

Further more, considering in  the need to look at  the issues like a Digital India program opportunity and over all technology  in a architecture, frame work, standards, security policy, funding strategy, service delivery in a  system, general infrastructure sharing, etc. at the program level, before a presenting the project to the E F C / C N E, all these digital It is a proposed that the technical evaluation of the Bharat project be a done by a D A T I.

The institutional system of  the Digital India at the state level will be a chaired by the Chief Minister of the State Committee on  the Digital India. The State / UT Supreme Committee on a Digital in a  India, chaired by the Chief Secretaries, will be a constituted at the State / UT level to  the allocate necessary resources, prioritize projects and address inter-departmental issues at the state level.

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